Tyre Fire

It’s beautiful and appalling: a pile of worn out motor tyres dumped and set alight leaving a mass of soot, charred rubber and a tangle of rusted reinforcing wire like spun burnt barley sugar.  Beautiful for: the abstract expressionist contrasting colours and textures; and the deconstruction revealing the complex hidden strength of tyres.  Appalling for: the waste; the risk from the fire; the pollution from the smoke and the remains; and the disregard for nature and the public realm. 

Tyre fire, Rampton-Willingham, Cambs, March 2021

Who would do this?  What is the mindset of the fire starters?  Demonstrably, people who feel unbound by the values and rules that steer most of society.  Do they see themselves as outside that society or does society exclude them, making either or both a license for the actions?  Is it thoughtlessness, or the natural consequence of another view of the world?  Or is it a considered, provocative act?

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