Cambridge Open Studios

The Cambridge Open Studios has grown into an extraordinary phenomenon with over 370 artists showing their work in 230 venues across Cambridgeshire through four weekends in July.  Its success prompts three questions.  Is Cambridge and the surrounding area exceptionally rich in artistic talent and if so why?  Why do all these people make the art?  Why do women dominate the list of artists, over 70% of the total?

An exchange between the two principal characters in Toledano and Nakache’s funny and poignant film Untouchable, suggests an answer to the second question.  Philippe: Tell me Driss, why do you think people are interested in art? Driss: I don’t know, it’s a business. Philippe: No. That’s because it’s the only thing one leaves behind.

Photos: Cambridge Open Studios 1. Essex Girls (Lee and Lynas),  2. Melanie Max, July 2018

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